Posing & Animation
Lecturer at European Animation Masterclass within the International Academy Of Media And Arts, Halle Saale, Germany
Some of productions I worked for.
Awards for the production I worked for:
Angelina Ballerina
2001 “Angelina in the wings” wins the Silver Medal at the New York Festival.
2002 In competition at Annecy, it is also nominated for a BAFTA in the category of Best Children’s.
2004 Best Writing Award at the B.A.A.
The 52 minutes Christmas special “The Show Must Go On” wins the British Animation Award for Best Children’s Special and the Televisual Best Animation Awards at the Indies.
In the summer of 2006 the 45 minutes Special “Angelina Sets Sails” is shown at 40 Odeon Cinemas around the UK and is shown on Nick Jr. It is nominated and shortlisted in the Children’s Choice Category at the B.A.A.
2007 The series wins the Media and I Parenting Award in the United States.
1999 Silver Pulcinella for Best Series for Infants at Amalfi.
“Tiger Tales” wins the Gold Award in the Pre-School category
of the National Parenting Publication Awards (NAPPA).
The series is nominated and shortlisted for a BAFTA in 2001.
Bosom Pals
“Joan’s Birthday” wins the Best TV Special Award at Annecy in 2004.
Jonalu 2nd season,
Production Companies:Scopas Medien
Production Companies: Motion Works, StudioTV-Film GmbH für das ZDF
ANI_Refrain from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Löwenzähnchen - Murmeltier
ANI_Murmeltier from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Löwenzähnchen - Waschbär
ANI Waschbaer from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Löwenzähnchen - Schaf
ANI Schaf from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Löwenzähnchen - Rothirsh
ANI Rothirsch from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Production Companies: Studio.TV Film GmbH für den KiKA
Kikaninchen posing
KK_posing_20130905 from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kikaninchen poses
Character animation - Keks (the black and white dog)
Kikaninchen Walk/Run reference for animation
Kikaninchen Spot - posing
spot kk from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Final look of Kikaninchen spot.
Animation done by another artist.
My part was to pose for it.
KiKANiNCHEN_IDSPOT_H264_FINAL from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Aunt Hilda!_ animation test
Aunt Hilda! from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Flip book
Flip book from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian
Production Companies: 3D Animagics Entertainement, MaBo Filmproduktion, MaBo Investition, Rothkirch Cartoon Film, Torus, Warner Bros.
Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian (2009) from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Die Abenteuer des Pinocchio
Production Companies: 2d3D Animations, Cometa Film, Iris Productions, Walking The Dog
Pinocchio - 2012 from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Angelina Ballerina
Production Companies: Grand Slamm Children`s Films, HIT Entertainement, Varga Studio
Angelina Ballerina from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Little Polar Bear II
Production Companies: Warner Bros, Rothkirch Cartoon Film, MaBo Filmproduktion, Torus
Animation test for Little Polar Bear ll from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Ravensburger Schnappt Hubi! - Kinderspiel- commercial
Animation was done by another artist. My part was to clean-up scenes.
Production Companies: des RBB "Unser Sandmännchen", Redaktion MDR
Kalli mouse - final look from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli mouse from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli firefighter from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli dino
Kalli dino from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli from past from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli dance from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
Kalli Aladin from Anca Iuliana Grigoriu on Vimeo.
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