About me
Date of birth : 02nd of July 1974
Place of birth: Bucharest, Roumania
1999 - BA - "The Academy of Arts", Bucharest
- Speciality: Painting
1994-1999 - "Fine Arts Academy - Luceafarul", Bucharest
- Speciality: Painting
1988-1992 - "Nicolae Tonitza High School of Fine Arts", Bucharest
Speciality : Theater and Life Action Costumes/Fashion Design
Taken part in production:
„Roque, Padi and Zola” - Author and illustrator, Series of illustrated books for children - in progress
„A Greyhound of a girl” - Character Design Artist, 2d feature, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg and UK
„Karlchen” - Character Design and Posing Artist, 2d feature, Germany, Sweden
„Jonalu” 3rd season - Character Design Artist, 3D TV Series, Germany
„UniCredit Erklärfilm” - Asset Design, Animation Setup, Workbook Storyboard
„The adventures of young Marco Polo” 2nd season – Sets and Character Design Artist, 2d cut-out
TV Series, Germany
„Kikaninchen” 9th season - Animation Supervisor and Posing lay-out Artist, 3D TV Series - Germany
„Kikaninchen” 8th season - Posing lay-out Artist, 3D Series, Germany
,,Marnies Welt”- Sets and Props Design Artist, 2d animation- Ink and Paint Artist, 3D Feature Film, Germany, Belgium
,,Nichtlustig” - Animator Artist, 2d animation, Germany
,,Jonalu” 2nd season - Posing Artist, 3D TV Series, Germany
,,LEGO Friends: Girlz 4 Life - Storyboard Artist, USA
,,Pinocchio”- Senior Animator, 2d Feature Film, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium
„The adventures of young Marco Polo” – Character Designen Artist, 2d cut-out TV Series, Luxembourg, Ireland, Canada, Germany
„Titeuf”- Assistant Animator Artist, 2d classic Featrure Film, France
„Löwenzahnchen” season 1,2,3,4 - Senior Animator, 2d classic TV Series, Germany
„Kikaninchen” season 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - Animation Supervisor and Lay-Out Posing Artist, 3D Series, Germany
„Ravensburger - Schnappt Hubi!” - Clean-Up Artist, 2d comercial, Germany
„Lillifee”- Senior Animator, Lay-Out Posing Artist, 2d Flash TV Series, Germany
„Kalli”- Senior Animator, 2d TV Series, Germany
„Lauras Stern und der geheimnisvolle Drache Nian „ – Animator, 3D Feature Film, Germany
„Mullewapp - Das große Kinoabenteuer der Freunde”- Final Touch-Up Artist, 2d Feature Film, Germany
„Yakazan” - Senior Animator, 2d Classic Feature Film, Hungary
„The pearl of desert” - Senior Animator, 2d Classic Feature Film, Hungary
„Unicum NEXT” - Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic Commercials, Hungary
„Lars the little polar bear” - Senior Animator and Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic TV Series, Germany
„Lars the little polar bear II ”- Senior Animator and Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic Feature film, Germany
„Björn Bear” - Senior Animator, 2d Classic TV series - Sweden, Hungary
„Lena and Paul” – Senior Animator, 2d Classic TV series, Germany
„Magyar nepmesek” (Hungarian folk tales) - Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic TV Series - Hungary
„Sicc”- BG Lay-Out Artist, 2d Classic TV special, Hungary
„Vizipok, csodapok” (Water-spider, wonder-spider) - BG Painter and Key BG Artist, 2d Classic TV Hungary
„Dog’s life” - Clean-Up Artist, Film by the author and Director : Ferenc Rofusz - Clean-Hungary
„Europa” - Senior Animator, 2d Classic Political TV series, Hungary
„Captain Sabertooth” - Posing Lay-Out Artist, 2d Classic Feature film- Sweden
„Mr.Bean” - Clean-Up Artist 2d Classic TV Series, UK
„The Mabinogi”- Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic Feature film, UK
„Jules Verne´s A Journey into the Middle of the Earth”- Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic TV special – France, Germany
„Bossom Pals” - Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic TV specials: 2 x 23 min- Tiger Aspect, UK
„Les Contes du Cimitiere”- BG Lay-out Artist, 2d Classic TV Series,France
„Angelina Ballerina -The Show Must Go On” - Senior Animator, 2d Classic TV special, UK
„Angelina Ballerina”- Senior Animator, 2d Classic TV Series and 3 TV specials,UK
„Sheeep”- Clean-UP Artist, 2d Classic TV Serie, UK
„Kipper” - Clean-Up Artist, 2d Classic TV series, UK
„Maisy” - Animator Artist, 2d Classic TV Series, UK
Animation Studios:
2020 - Aliante srl, Italy
- character design artist
2019 - MotionWorks GmbH, Germany
- character design artist
2018 - scopas medien AG
- character design development artist
2016-2017 - MotionWorks GmbH, Germany
- animation supervisor 3D
- posing artist
- sets and character design artist
2015 - scopas medien AG
- posing artist
- set design artist
- props design artist
2008-2015 - MotionWorks GmbH, Germany
- animation supervisor, 2d, 3D
- posing artist, 2d, 3D
- animation artist, 2d,3D
- character design artist
2011, 2012 - AstraZeneca P.U.C Company, Germany
- flip-book - animation
- clean-up
- colouring
2010 -Walkingthedog, Belgium
-animation artist, 2d
2009 - European Animation Masterclass
- animation lecturer
2006-2007 - Dana Film Studio, Hungary
-animation artist, 2d
2003, 2006 - Cartoon Film, Germany
- animation artist, 2d
- clean up artist, 2d
- inbetween artist, 2d
- Baestarts Studio, Hungary
-animation artist, 2d
1999-2003 - Firka Film Kft, Hungary
- inbetween artist, 2d
1999 - Giraffe and Pelly, Hungary
- animation artist, 2d
- clean up artist, 2d
- inbetween artist, 2d
1994 - Animadream Studio, Spanish/Roumanian company
- inbetween artist, 2d
1992 - Dacodac Studio, Roumania
- bg painter artist, 2d
Life Action:
1999 - "The famous paparazzo", Ro. Prod.
- Costume Designer Assistant
1994 - "The sleep of the island", Ro. Prod.
- Costume Designer Assistant
1993 - "Nobody's Children", USA Prod. 199
- Costume Designer Assistant
1992 - "Nostradamus", French | UK |
German | Roumanian Prod.
- Costume Designer Assistant
Painting exhibitions and Works:
1999 - Graduation Exam Painting Exhibition at the
Army Minister Kindergarten,
Bucharest, Roumania
1994 - Participating in Fresco Painting
Restoration at Greco-Catholic
Church- Blaj, Roumania
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